
The Meaning of Sex: Christian Ethics and the Moral Life

Hollinger, Dennis. The Meaning of Sex: Christian Ethics and the Moral Life. Baker Academic, 2009.

Our culture’s border and boundary-less approach to sexual beliefs and practices has left more and more people – even within the church – confused and even convinced that there is no over-arching design or meaning to our sexuality. In this book, ethicist Dennis Hollinger offers a clear, accessible, and practical overview of the God’s purpose and meaning for his wonderful gift of sex and sexuality. One of the greatest needs today of young and old alike is to rediscover the liberating freedom that accompanies understanding and experiencing sex in all its God-ordained glory. Dennis Hollinger has given us what we believe to be the best contemporary treatment on this timely subject. This is not just a book for ethicists. Parents, youth workers, pastors, and educators alike should read this book as a clear starting point for framing conversations and teaching about sex. This is a foundational text that is a must-read.

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