Screen Time in the Age of the Coronavirus
Common Sense Media’s Research director explains the science behind the new screen rules. Read the full article here.
Common Sense Media’s Research director explains the science behind the new screen rules. Read the full article here.
Barna Group shares research regarding screen time and Gen Z. Read the full article here.
A Pew Research Center survey conducted in the summer of 2020 reveals that more Americans than people in other economically developed countries say the outbreak has bolstered their religious faith and the faith of their compatriots. Read the full article here.
Self-administered surveys indicate that Americans attend religious services less often than previously estimated. Read the full article here.
Barna and Impact 360 Institute have teamed up to learn more about Gen-Z. Read the full article here.
Adolescence is fraught with stressful changes, and the developing body can be one of those challenges, especially if a teen’s body doesn’t meet society’s — or that teen’s — standards. This is one reason why it’s so important to have biblical conversations about beauty and worth with our students and children. Read the full article here.
The information revolution has transformed the way everyone lives—but especially the youngest generations. Read the full article from Barna Group here.
But American adolescents often participate at parents’ behest, and tend to be less religious in more personal, private ways. Read the full article from Pew Research here.
Nearly every school-issued device comes with a library app, which seems like a safe and reasonable choice for educational devices, but one parent alerted Protect Young Minds that her kids had easy access to erotic literatureon iPads and Chromebooks issued to kids ages 5-11. Read the full article here.
Barna Group releases new study showing that strong relationships within church add to resilient faith in young adults. Read the full article here.
The Christian Post discusses the question, are today’s teens more sexual? Read the full article here.
New research from scientists at the University of Florence points toward another area of concern: The lockdowns designed to slow the spread of the virus may lead to relapse among patients in treatment for anorexia and bulimia. Read the full article here.
A third of girls and young women will not post selfies online without using a filter or app to change their appearance, while a similar proportion have deleted photos with too few “likes” or comments, research has found. Read the full article here.
Spending too much time on Instagram leads to anxiety about body image three months later, according to new research from Federation University. Read the full article here.
Protect Young Eyes shares 3 reasons that internet risk is higher during the summer season. Read the full article here.
Barna Research shares 5 trends shaping the upcoming season of next-gen discipleship. Read the full article here.
Online survey finds 70% of 104 parents experienced increase in violent episodes, while practitioners also identify increase in incidents and risk of long-term harm to mental health. As Youth Leaders and parents it’s important to be aware of this growing trend. Read the full article here.
Pew Research Center shares a look into the current views on dating and relationships in the USA. Read the full article here.
Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies – like social media or smartphones – as a reason. Read the full article here.
In a social media world, even your kids will potentially be exposed to fake news and distortions of the truth of what’s happening in the world. Forbes discusses the problem of social media users being more likely to believe fake news in this article.
With virtual and socially distanced dates becoming the norm, emotional intimacy is coming before physical, according to experts and people in the dating scene. Read the full article here.
According to a new study from Edith Cowan University, parental smartphone use is rarely ever a legitimate sign of a bad parent. Read the full article here.
A recent study says excessive screen time may stunt a child’s growth, especially if they start using devices around age two or three. Read the full article here.
INSIDER discusses the long-term effects of young fame for children brought on by apps like TikTok. Read the full article here.
Barna Research group talks about how digital developments and devices are affecting the Church and the faith formation of practicing Christians, including youth. Read the full article here.
Despite major changes in laws and norms surrounding the issue of same-sex marriage and the rights of LGBT people around the world, public opinion on the acceptance of homosexuality in society remains sharply divided by country, region and economic development. Read the full article here.
Pew Research Center shares an in-depth look at Gen Z. Read the full article here.
Health apps have become a popular tool among teens and adults to track fitness, weight loss, sleep and even menstrual cycles – but are they appropriate for tweens? Read the full article here.
From distractions to jealousy, how Americans navigate cellphones and social media in their romantic relationships. Pew Research shares new findings on dating and relationships in the digital age. Read here.
Teenage sex rates have been declining since they peaked in 1988, when just over half of all US teenagers had reported having sex before the age of 20. Read the article here.
The upending of lives across the country and globe has brought an increased attention to mental health. And the youngest of those forced away from the classroom and friends has its negative effects and it’s something that parents need to keep an eye on. Read the full article here.
Taking a selfie is not a bad thing in itself, but when it becomes an obsession, it can have serious consequences for mental health, especially for adolescent girls. Read the full article here.
Online dating has grown in popularity, but many young women report experiencing some form of harassment on these platforms, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey. Read the full article here.
A study from Flinders University says, witnessing #fitpiration contents on the internet increases negative mood and body dissatisfaction in women. Read the full article here.
New research suggests digital dating abuse is on the rise, and boys may be most at risk. Read the full article here.
Healthline Parenting news shares some thoughts on the best time to allow your children to date. Read the full article here.
More than a third of teens report being in an abusive relationship but only a few ever tell anyone about it. Read the full article here.
Every Just in the past four years, we’ve seen dramatic shifts in online video viewing, smartphone ownership, and more. Read the research from Common Sense Census here.
Youth suicide rates are dropping in the U.S., but the proportion of teens who have suicidal thoughts or make an attempt remains consistently higher among sexual minorities than among heterosexual young people. Read the full article here.
Pew Research shares a detailed look into online dating. Are your teens using online dating? Do their experiences line up with some of the research presented here? Read the full article here.
The study found that adolescents were less secretive and showed less signs of aggression when parents were actively involved in conversations regarding media use. Read the full article here.
A recent study determined teens who don’t date in high school tend to be more socially adjusted than teens who dated often. Read the full article here.
Fight The New Drug talks how Porn can actually warp consumers’ perceptions of realistic sexual situations, especially as they relate to strangers. Read the full article here.
The more often young teens turn to social media, the more prone they are to eating disorders, new research suggests. Read the full article here.
Watching TV makes viewers prefer thinner women, according to a new study of body image perceptions. Read the full article here.
Barna Research shares an insightful look into what young adults mean when they identify as “christian.” Read the full article here.
By the age of 13, more than one in three children who use smartphones have been exposed to sexting, a parenting app has revealed. Read the full article here.
Excessive digital media use is taking a toll on adolescent development — but setting screen-time limits can make a positive difference. Read the full article here.
Teen girls experience relationship abuse at alarming rates, according to a new study that specifically focuses on reproductive coercion—pressure from a partner to get pregnant. Read the full article here.
Underlying problems may make some young people particularly vulnerable to what they find on social media, an expert says. Read the full article here.
As marriage rates have declined, the share of U.S. adults who have ever lived with an unmarried partner has risen. Read the full article here.
A recent study published in the Journal of School Health reveals that adolescents who choose not to date fare as well as, or better than, their coupled counterparts in social and leadership skills. Read the full article here.
Pew Research Center shows a global picture of our world’s current views regarding same-sex marriage. Read the full article here.
Pew Research Center highlights how the religious landscape of the United States continues to change at a rapid pace. Read the full article here.
Psychology Today shares some trends in research pointing to a possible increase in anorexia among young people. The most concerning finding was that rates of anorexia among children aged 12 and under seem to have increased over the past decade. Read the full article here.
Here are 15 things teenagers were loving a decade ago in 2009 that are all but forgotten by their modern counterparts. Read the full article here.
A worrying trend in the US shows no signs of stopping: rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) continue to rise, with combined cases of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia hitting a record high in 2018. Read the full article here.
Teens who use social media for three hours or more per day have problems falling asleep and then struggle to get up for school the next morning, experts say. Read the full article here.
BBC Future talks about the complicated truth highlighted in research around social media and body image issues. Read the full article here.
Barna Research Group recently shared a study pointing to the decline in resilient faith among twentysomethings. Read the full article here.
Barna group shares research around spiritual maturity and discipleship for the next generation. Read the full article here.
A new study shows that adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media are more likely to report high levels of internalizing behaviors compared to adolescents who do not use social media at all. Read the full article here.
Tech Xplore shares the research of graduate student Amy Niu, observing the effects of Snapchat Filters on self-image. Read the full article here.
A new study from the University of Georgia finds that teens who don’t date tend to be less depressed. Read the full article here.
NPR shares an article highlighting the complexity in the debate over teens, screens, and mental health. Read the full article here.
Up to 46% of adolescents in the United States report feeling dissatisfied with their bodies, which can lead to eating disorders, obesity, poor mental health and other serious problems. Read the full article here.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 4 women report experiencing physical abuse, sexual violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner before age 18. Read the full article here.
While the unrealistic beauty standards put forth on social media have come under the public eye, the fashion industry remains the biggest perpetrator in portraying unrealistic beauty standards. Read the full article here.
Barna Group shares research on what makes a spiritually vibrant household. Read the full article here.
Young people are spending more and more time onscreen and are constantly bombarded with images on social media. Can all that screen time have a negative impact on your teen’s body image? Read the full article here.
A new study out of the University of Arizona is looking into the motivations for why people are sexting. Read the full article here.
Domestic violence is common among adults, and women are most frequently the victims. In fact, nearly half of women killed by homicide in the United States are killed by their former or current intimate partners. Read the full article here.
The teen birth rate in the United States dipped to 18 births per 1,000, the lowest since statistics started being kept, the Pew Research Center said Friday. Read the full article here.
Researchers explored the relationships between sexting, sexual behavior, and mental health. Read the full article here.
A recent YouGov poll revealed almost 2/3 of Americans think that school should provide education for same-sex sexual activity. See the results here.
The teen birth rate in the United States is at a record low, dropping below 18 births per 1,000 girls and women ages 15 to 19 for the first time since the government began regularly collecting data on this group. Read the full article here.
The good news is that adolescent “sexting” is not at epidemic levels as reported in some media headlines. The bad news is that it also has not decreased despite preventive efforts by educators and others. Read the full article here.
Despite messages of healthy body image and holistic wellness for youth, a new study shows more young people are dieting than years prior. Read the full article here.
Fight the New Drug shares just how prevalent sexting has become for students around the globe. Read the full article here.
Street Rehab Specialist Mandy Saligari cautions that screen time is normally ignored as a possible vehicle for addiction in adolescents. Read the full article here.
Nearly one in eight sexually active teen girls are pressured by their partners to have unprotected sex and try to conceive when they don’t want a baby, a U.S. study suggests. Read the full article here.
Nearly a quarter of men 18-24 show signs of disordered eating… often times with the intention of gaining muscle, not losing weight. Are your sons showing signs of disordered eating to maintain a muscular physique? It may be worth having a conversation. Read the full article here.
Fight the New Drug highlights a disturbing rise in “cyber-flashing,” where people airdrop naked photographs to unsuspecting phone users in their close vicinity. For parents of iPhone users, protect your kids by setting their Airdrop function to “Receiving Off.” Read the full article here.
Even while the harms of pornography grow bigger and bigger in the cultural spotlight, your kids will hear from peers and other parents that it’s “harmless fun.” It’s important for you as a parent to be aware of the growing body of research proving that it is indeed harmful… even from a purely psychological perspective. Read the full article here.
Fight The New Drug shares a study claiming that people watch a lot more pornography than is often reported. Read the full article here.
Sixty-eight percent of teenagers reported that they keep their mobile devices within reach at night, a telephone and online survey released Tuesday by the nonprofit Common Sense Media found. Read the full article here.
A study released in Jan 2018 by Barna Research Group reveals that Generation Z is more emotionally affected by the perils of social media than other generations who are also online. Read the full article here.
A new study reports that nearly 40% of LGBTQ youth have contemplated suicide at some point. Read the full article here.
Young people who see images of cutting on Instagram are more likely to hurt themselves by imitating the act, and also are at higher risk for suicide, a new study suggests. Read the full article here.
People who use dating apps are more likely to have eating disorders, abuse laxatives or use other unhealthy weight management practices than people who don’t date online, Harvard researchers found in a new study published Friday in the Journal of Eating Disorders. Read the full article here.
A study in Britain found that millions of British adults have experienced suicidal thoughts or feelings due to their body image… pointing to the importance of having conversations with your kids about the effects of social media on self worth. Read the full article here.
NPR shares an article sharing how employers often view potential employees’ social media accounts to learn more about them. Read the full article here.
In today’s culture of social media and “fake news,” “fake bodies” (a.k.a. “computer-enhanced imaging”) have become a powerfully influential norm. Read the full article here.
The New York Post discusses the affects that superheroes and unrealistic body types can have on children, even into adulthood. Read the full article here.
Some teenagers develop a craving to use a cell phone during inappropriate times, and new research suggests it is not something that is likely to change as they become young adults. Read the full article here.
A new study shows early evidence that receiving unsolicited sexual imagery through text, or being coerced into sending it is associated with mental health distress. Read the full article here.
There has been a rise in sexually suggestive movements in popular music videos, according to a study published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture. Read the full article here.
The 2019 version of the “State of the Bible” study from the American Bible Society and the Barna Group, found more people are consulting the Bible in 2019 than 2018, but of those who said they were “Bible-centered,” 9.9 million decreased their engagement with Scripture. Read the full article here.
A study shows that teen girls are more at risk than boys in dating violence. Read the full article here.