News | Topic: God's Design for Sex
The Trans Agenda Uses Exactly The Same Tactics As Woman Abusers
Why ‘WAP’ Matters
Commentary from Dr. Leonard Sax: “The record-smashing success of WAP is a warning to parents. You need to know what your kid is listening to. You need to have the courage to limit your kid’s exposure to the most noxious elements of American culture. You need to find a healthier, brighter, truer culture to share with your daughter or your son.”
Read the full article here.
How Social Media Is Transforming Teens’ Ideas About Sex May Surprise You
This the first in a series that looks at how social media has changed the way teens learn about, and engage in, sex. Read the article here.
A Global Snapshot Of Same-Sex Marriage
Same-sex marriage has become legal in a growing number of countries in recent years. Read the report from Pew Research here.
Young Life Voted Off Campus At Duke
While the college ministry continues to operate without recognition, another university officially objects to its sexuality policy. Read the article here.
What Age Should Parents Teach Their Children Healthy Sexuality?
Jim Burns of HomeWord provides some helpful suggestions to parents. Read his blog post here.
Graphic Pornography Is Making Teen Boys ‘Impotent’
Teenage boys as young as 16 are experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction due to excessively viewing violent and hardcore pornography, an expert has revealed. Read the article here.
7 Things Your Seven-Year-Old Should Know About Love And Sex
We live in the age of information. We also live in a hyper-sexualized era. Put those two together and you quickly realize there are ideas filtering through our cultural climate that you wouldn’t expect a seven-year-old should know. Read the blog post from Protect Young Minds here.
Linda’s Story: Sexuality Transformed
From my earliest memory I wanted to be a boy instead of a girl. Somehow I just knew that if I had male genitalia, my life would be complete. As a child, I prayed repeatedly for God to make me into a boy and became obsessed with my pursuit. However, I never told my family. Though I was a tomboy growing up, no one ever knew the depth of my struggles. It was my little secret that I kept for decades. Read the full article here and check out the video!
Rape Culture and Hookup Culture Are Two Sides of the Same Coin
The ideology of the hookup culture sets everyone up to be a victim by luring students into the vast expanse of sexual gray area, then telling them it’s black and white.
Read the full article here.
What Americans Believe About Sex
From the modesty debate to the mainstreaming of “twerking,” the American public has a complex relationship with sex. Ever since the sexual revolution of the 1960s, the liberalization of social and moral attitudes toward sex has met with a conservative backlash troubled by the impact of an increasingly sexualized culture.
Read the rest of the research and article from The Barna Group by clicking here.
Why Aren’t Millennials Having Sex Anymore?
The number of college students claiming they’ve never had sex is nearly 40 percent. Only five years ago, a 25-year, “exhaustive” study found that college students who say they’re virgins made up only 13 percent. What has changed? Read the take from Relevant Magazine here.
6 Marks of Healthy Sexuality
Gary Thomas takes a look at the marks of a healthy sexual relationship.
Read the article here.
The Shameless and the Unashamed: Sexual Revolution, a Step to the Past
From the article:
“Those who pushed the sexual boundaries in the 1960s fancy themselves as revolutionaries throwing off the shackles of centuries of taboos and stigmas. ‘Emancipation is now a reality,’ wrote novelist and critic Margaret Drabble in 1967, cheering what she called ‘the golden age of adult sexual equality.’
The reality is quite the opposite…”
Read the article from Alan Dowd for byFaith magazine here.
Tied In Knots: Americans Try to Redefine Marriage
byFaith magazine takes a look at some of the arguments advocates for same-sex marriage have used and how Christians should respond.
Read the article here.
What Girls Should Demand
Melissa Edgington posts a powerful reminder for girls on her website “Your Mom Has A Blog.” Read the blog post here.
I’m a Duke Freshman. Here’s Why I Refused To Read ‘Fun Home.’
As a Christian, freshman Brian Grasso knew his beliefs and identity would be challenged at Duke University. He explains why he opted out of an assignment for incoming students to read the graphic novel “Fun Home.” Read his article here.
8 Lies We Believe About Porn
Relevant magazine takes a look at 8 lies we believe about pornography and how to break the addiction.
Read the article here.
Baylor University Removes Clause on ‘Homosexual Acts’ From Sexual Misconduct Policy
Earlier this year, Baylor University made a discreet change to its sexual misconduct policy by removing a line regarding “homosexual acts.”
Read the article here.