News | Topic: Marriage

Christians React to the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage: 9 Key Findings

The Barna Group offers research and insight into where Christians stand in this divisive conversation.

Read the findings here.

So-Called Same-Sex Marriage: Lamenting the New Calamity

John Piper blogs about the recent Supreme Court decision and the institutionalization of sin.

Read the full blog post here.

More Than Single: Finding Purpose Beyond Porn

This free E-book offered by Covenant Eyes aism to help you learn how to fight porn temptations and find fulfillment as a single.

Get access to the free E-book by clicking here.

A Day Late, A Dollar Short

From the article from Carl R. Trueman for the First Things blog:

Tony Campolo has become the latest evangelical leader to declare for gay marriage. It is perhaps not a surprise: Campolo has been a gadfly in the evangelical world throughout his career and his adoption of this cause is of a piece with many of his other pronouncements over the years. While his move is unlikely to have a great impact on evangelicalism—far more significant will be the coming shifts on the issue by megachurch pastors—his statement is emblematic of the way evangelical attitudes are likely to change.

Read the rest of the blog post here.

The Real Truth About Sex: What We’re Not Telling Our Kids

We’re a culture obsessed with parenthood, or “parenting,” as we like to call it, but when it comes to the hazards of sex, our approach falls somewhere between passivity and paralysis.

Read the full article here.

Social Media Linked to Divorce (Again)

Another survey from a British law firm cites social media as a frequently mentioned contributing factor in a disturbing number of divorce cases. Read the article here.

Celibate Gay Christian Leader Urges Faithful to “Normalize” Committed Friendships

Jonathan Merritt interviews Wesley Hill about his upcoming book “Spiritual Friendship: Finding Love in the Church as a Celibate Gay Christian.”

Read the full interview here.

Is it finally time to put marriage in the dustbin?

Is the institution of marriage in such decline that it is irreversible? And what does this mean for the well-being of children who statistically flourish better under the care of married parents? Read the full article here.